Source code for attune.workup._intensity

"""Methods for processing OPA 800 tuning data."""

import pathlib

import numpy as np
import WrightTools as wt

from .. import Curve, Dependent, Setpoints
from ._plot import plot_intensity

# --- processing methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------

__all__ = ["intensity"]

def _intensity(data, channel_name, tune_points, *, spline=True, **spline_kwargs):
    data.moment(axis=1, channel=channel_name, moment=1)
    offsets = data[f"{channel_name}_1_moment_1"].points

    if spline:
        spline = wt.kit.Spline(tune_points, offsets, **spline_kwargs)
        return spline(tune_points)
    if np.allclose(data.axes[0].points, tune_points):
        return offsets
        raise ValueError("Data points and curve points do not match, and splining disabled")

[docs]def intensity( data, channel, dependent, curve=None, *, level=False, cutoff_factor=0.1, autosave=True, save_directory=None, **spline_kwargs, ): """Workup a generic intensity plot for a single dependent. Parameters ---------- data : objeect should be in (setpoint, dependent) Returns ------- curve New curve object. """ data = data.copy() data.convert("wn") if curve is not None: old_curve = curve.copy() old_curve.convert("wn") setpoints = old_curve.setpoints else: old_curve = None setpoints = Setpoints(data.axes[0].points, data.axes[0].expression, data.axes[0].units) # TODO: units if isinstance(channel, (int, str)): channel = data.channels[wt.kit.get_index(data.channel_names, channel)] # TODO: check if level does what we want if level: data.level(channel.natural_name, 0, -3) # TODO: gtol/ltol cutoff = channel.max() * cutoff_factor channel.clip(min=cutoff) offsets = _intensity(data, channel.natural_name, setpoints[:], **spline_kwargs) try: raw_offsets = _intensity(data, channel.natural_name, setpoints[:], spline=False) except ValueError: raw_offsets = None units = data.axes[1].units if units == "None": units = None new_curve = Curve( setpoints, [Dependent(offsets, dependent, units, differential=True)], name="intensity" ) if curve is not None: curve = old_curve + new_curve else: curve = new_curve # Why did we have to map setpoints? curve.map_setpoints(setpoints[:]) fig, _ = plot_intensity(data, channel.natural_name, dependent, curve, old_curve, raw_offsets) if autosave: if save_directory is None: # TODO: Formal decision on whether this should be cwd or data/curve location save_directory = "." save_directory = pathlib.Path(save_directory), full=True) # Should we timestamp the image? p = save_directory / "intensity.png" wt.artists.savefig(p, fig=fig) return curve